Current date/time is October 16th 2024, 8:29 am

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True Blood Council Forum has been created to give fans of both HBO's "True Blood" and the "Sookie Stackhouse" Novels a place to discuss the show and the books. This forum is designed to be both informative and fun to ensure that it is, these are the rules and guidelines all registered members must follow. I know this looks like a lot, but much of this is common sense. Rule of thumb is pretend your favorite actor is reading over your shoulder as you type. If you would be embarrassed for them to read it, you probably shouldn’t write it. So read it carefully. Our Age Policy is that you be at least 17 to join the forum. This is because, though we run a PG forum, the show and certain areas of our forum contain what would be considered mature material. True Blood Council will not be held liable for those under the age of 17. If you are under the age of 17 and on this forum and we discover you, we will ban you from the site, no questions asked. All registered members of True Blood Council will respect the opinions and presence of other members of the Forum. You must also respect the outcome of any decision made by Moderators and Administrators at all times. You are welcome to engage in challenging and spirited debate with other forum members, but rudeness will not be tolerated. Name calling, disrespecting other users or personal insults against other members will not be tolerated, either from an instigator OR from anyone who feels like they should respond to such instigation. Flaming another user because of their spelling or word choice will not be tolerated. Personal attacks of ANY kind are not allowed and users who violate this may have their access removed. If you have an issue with another user, contact a moderator or administrator. This also includes Trolling, which is the purposeful posting of questions that tend to create not discussion but argument. Out of respect for True Blood Council members please do not distribute poetry, fan fiction, videos, photos, downloads or other original works by the members or staff of True Blood Council in any format from True Blood Council to other websites. These materials are protected works of the author by virtue of being published here and may not be redistributed without written permission of both the author and True Blood Council. There will be zero tolerance on this policy and we may delete your user account and/or ban your IP without notice for this offense. If you wish to promote True Blood Council on other websites please contact the administration of True Blood Council to discuss content and format and to receive permission before proceeding. True Blood Council does not allow advertising on its sites without prior written permission of the administration. We are not a commercial site. For legal reasons and out of courtesy of the actors, no copyrighted photos, images from paparazzi photos or pirated material will be allowed. We also do not allow images that make reference to a cast member's personal life to include their love lives. We own them on Sunday nights, when they stroll a red carpet, and do interviews, otherwise they are private citizens. Siggies and Avatars: Dimensions may not exceed the following or your avatar/sig will be modified by a Moderator. Please keep your avatar to 100pixels x 100pixels. Your Signatures: 500 pixels wide x 200 pixels high . If your post will contain Spoilers: (that means crucial plot points for films, TV shows, books, etc.), please put “Spoilers” in the title. There are many members who have not read the books or prefer to be surprised when the TV episode is aired. Also, the rest of the world will be behind the American markets in viewing "True Blood", we will be providing spoiler free zones for people who want to talk about the episodes. Please respect all areas marked Spoiler Free. You must maintain a valid email address on file at all times. Invalid email addresses result in bounce backs to our forum email account. We cannot spend time managing invalid email and your account will be updated to a non-posting account. Speaking English Most users of this site are native English speakers. If you can speak English, please do so. We encourage all participants to use proper paragraphs, punctuation, grammar, and capital letters when posting. There is a spell check available. Please avoid using internet short-hand as much as possible as many of our users do not understand it. This is an example of an unacceptable post: I'm also lukin 4ward 2 seein wots gonna happen in the nxt season. I really want Eric 2 get it 2getha wiv Sookie, as he seems mysterius n I fink Sookie will find dat invitin n iterestin. I'm also wonderin y Sookie's hands glow dat cud ave sumet 2 do wiv drinkin Erics blood n aving her ability aswell It will be deleted. Please do not post one line or short messages simply to say "I Agree" or "Me Too!" Make your post count by contributing thoughts and conversation of value to the discussion thread. This forum is geared towards adults, over the age of 13, and we expect our members to behave maturely. Posting in ALL CAPS is strongly discouraged if at all possible. It is bad netiquette, is very hard to read and considered to be yelling. Please remember to remove your caps lock before posting. Adult Language: We understand that we use curse words all the time. We prefer you use milder forms of curses. Mild expletives are acceptable. Stronger language is discouraged. Also rude references to the human anatomy, male or female, are not tolerated. Hate speech will not be tolerated at anytime. Praise for physical beauty can be done respectfully but in a more explicit manner in what we call the Temples. Here you can express your more frank feelings about your favorite character with no restriction. Trolling and Spamming will not be tolerated. Please use the "Report Post" button to let us know if there is an issue in the forum. Discipline Issues: This board is constantly moderated, mainly because we like it here. We are also here to help. And since this is a community, we also handle problem members as a community. While Moderators do have the right to correct you, we also have a behavior board, convened as needed in our more serious case. This board is made up of three responsible members chosen at random. They will consider any serious infractions and make decisions. We hope we never have to do this. Their decisions are final. Screen Names You may not have a user-name that is the name of an actor (Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer) or character from "True Blood" or "Sookie Stackhouse" novels. Also not allowed: *Special characters ($#@+ etc.) *No User-names that are all numbers. *User-names with more than 4 numbers; what is acceptable is the numbers after the letters. (Example Sarah0478) *No character names from the series. You will get an error during registration! *No movie/television titles. It is at the Administrators and Moderators discretion whether a user-name is acceptable or not. Using the Member’s Only portions of the forum: This is where we do our fan fiction, our fan art, and we enter the temples of our favorite characters. As the title implies, anything goes. We do ask though that instead of embedding little video clips and pictures, especially those with sexual content, that you link the material in your post with a warning “Work Place Inappropriate”. Though one of the things we firmly and vigorously uphold is the freedom of speech and artistic license, we ask that you not include stories of rape, incest or child abuse. And keep your artist submissions True Blood/SVM centered. Member photos: Please keep pictures of you and your family in the Member’s Only portion and do not use them as avatars. And please, no nude or scantily clad pictures of yourself. If you wish to share them with a member of the forum, do so in PM. Have a good time. True Blood forever, The Team of True Blood Council.